Reggae on the Rooftop - count total Where music meets your desktop. Sista Sista Sensi has dreamed of Jamaica since she was a small child in Wisconsin. She said she was blessed to arrive at a time when reggae was exploding on the island. She is a respected international writer and entertainer whose songs have been performed and played internationally for many years. Sista Sensi and The Buds - Reggae Band in Madison, WI.
Join Facebook to connect with Sista Sensi and others you may know.
Reggae on the Rooftop
Sista A long-time performer on the reggae scene both in the U.S. Sista In this song, Sista Sensi sings about the murder of Mario Dean at this same hellhole of a jail, In this song Sista Sensi collaborated with Mackie Concious to sing about the notorious Montego Bay. Sista Sista Sensi and the Buds are a 4-piece (price-dependent) band capable of performing at bars, weddings,and other celebrations.
SISTA Sista Sensi has live entertained and recorded in Jamaica since the early days of reggae. By 19at the age of she had made her dream come true and went on to spend the next ten years there. Snake dancer Sista It was years ago when Sista Sensi first visited Jamaica, a place her spirit knew as home, and the Wisconsin native has not been the same since.
She says she told her famiy at the age of ten that she would live in Jamaica.
An entertainer who has made reggae her music of choice, Sensi quietly rebukes those who would accuse her of appropriation because, according to her, she has paid her dues. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the. And Jamaica, Sensi is also a gifted song-writer whose songs have been performed by international re. Appliquez au moins couches de peinture et vous obtiendrez une toute nouvelle table.
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